Ballakermeen High School Association

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[ Title | The Objects | Membership | Representation | Management | Meetings | Funds | Rules ]


I      TITLE

The name of the association shall be


hereinafter referred to as the Association.







(a)     The OBJECTS of the Association are to advance the

education of the pupils of the School by providing and

assisting in the provision of facilities for education at

the School (not normally provided by the I.O.M. Board

of Education) and as an ancillary thereto and infurtherance

of this object the Association may:

(i)      foster more extended relationships between the staff,

parents and others associated with the school, and

(ii)      engage in activities which support the School and

advance the education of the pupils attending it.

(b)    It shall NOT be a function of the Association to advise the

Headmaster or Staff on the policy and organisation of the School.

(c)    The Head Teacher shall have the ultimate decision on all

educational or other matters which may affect the school.

(d)    The Association shall be non political.




Shall be free with these conditions:

(a)     to a parent, guardian or foster-parent of a pupil, past or present,

of the School.

(b)    to a member of staff, past or present of the school, teaching and


(c)     to a person who has expressed a wish to further the interests of

                         Ballakermeen School, and who is not included in (a)




(a)     The Chairman of the Association shall be the Head Teacher,

or his appointed deputy.

(b)    The Management and control of the Association shall be

vested in a Committee which shall consist of the following:-

(i)      Chairman (Parent)

(ii)     Vice-Chairman (Parent)

(iii)    Treasurer (Parent)

(iv)    The Secretary' (Parent)

(v)    Press Secretary (Parent)

(vi)    Organising Secretary (Parent)

(vii)   Nine other members from the following sources:-

Not more than two parents representing each year

(viii)  Four staff representatives

(ix)    Other parents as nominated at the Annual General

Meeting and subsequently co-opted

and referred to hereinafter as the Committee.







(a)         Seven members of the executive committee shall constitute

a quorum

(b)        The executive committee shall be empowered to co-opt and

appoint standing and ad-hoc sub-committees to carry out such

functions as the executive committee may decide.

(c)         The parent officials and members of the committee shall be

elected for one year by a simple majority vote of the annual

general meeting of all members.

(d)        The Staff officers and representatives shall be appointed by

the Headmaster.

(e)         Casual vacancies on the Committee may be filled by the

Committee by co-option. Any person so co-opted shall

serve only while the person in whose place he/she is co-opted

would have served.

(f)         The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members, and

to appoint any sub-committee, and shall prescribe the function of

any such sub-committee.





6.      MEETINGS

(a)        The Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in September of each

year and shall: -

(i)      Elect parent officials and committee members

(ii)     Receive the Secretary's annual report

(iii)    Receive the Treasurer's report.


(b)        Extraordinary General Meeting

An extraordinary general meeting shall be held upon the

receipt of the secretary of notice of motion signed by

Twenty members or at the discretion of the executive


(c)         Committee Meetings

Committee meetings shall be held at least once each term

at such times and places as the Committee shall direct





7.      FUNDS

(a)       The Honorary Treasurer shall keep an account of all income

and expenditure and shall submit accounts, duly audited, at

the A.G.M.

(b)        The Banking Account shall be in the name of the

Association and withdrawals shall be made in the name of

the Association on the signature of any two of the


a)     Chairman

b)    Treasurer

c)     The Secretary

(c)        The auditor (being an elected accountant - not a member

of the Committee) shall be appointed annually at the

Annual General Meeting to Audit the accounts and

books of the Association.

(d)        Any assets remaining on dissolution of the Association

after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities shall

not be distributed amongst the members of the Association

but will be given to the School for the benefit of the

children of the school in any manner which is exclusively

charitable at law.






8.       RULES

(a)         No alteration of the rules may be made except at the

Annual General Meeting or at a Special Meeting called for

this purpose.  No alteration or amendment shall be made to

the objects clause or dissolution clause which would cause

the Association to cease to be a charity at law.

(b)        Amendments to the constitution shall require two-thirds

majority of members present at the Annual General Meeting.

(c)        The Association shall take out Pubhc Liability Insurance to

cover all its meetings and activities.

(d)        That any matter not provided for in the Constitution shall be

dealt with by the Committee, whose decision shall be

 deemed final.



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